
Love My Enemies?!?

Love My Enemies - These wise words have been written and spoken, preached and beseeched for centuries. And yet, here we are - the schism only wider. We continue to hurt only because we have been hurt and refuse to feel the pain of this.
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Declaring Peace

At some point, and this is different for each of us, it is necessary to declare peace with one’s self.
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Pain is simply part of our human condition. What can make pain turn into despair is the demand that we not have such strong reactions to life anymore.
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What we resist, persists. Suffering is Pain * Resistance.
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Whenever we make the choice to commit to something, large or small, we sometimes forget that this commitment will, most likely, come at a cost.
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What Would Happen?

What would happen if you broke your own heart wide open?
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One and the Same

We are all one and the same. The energy that is the stars and the moon and beyond, all, are one and the same. This, if you allow this to penetrate your being, changes your relationship to the small, petty differences that you experience. This separation that you insist on keeps you small. At one […]
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The Habit of Negativity

The habit of negativity cannot be ground down and stomped out. Nor can we simply put a positive spin on our thoughts and feelings and pretend the negative does not exist in us (only in "them"). Withdrawal, via an over-intellectualization of our negativity, leaves us in apathy, a false sense that we are above all of those messy emotions. As emotional beings, it is vital to feel into and understand ourselves from our feeling body. This is not to moralize or change or make ourselves bad for having negativity, but to grow ourselves up by including all of the parts of ourselves. We cannot be responsible for something unless we know it exists in us.
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When You Fall into Despair and Abandon Yourself

You need pleasure; this is a fact of life. How you get this pleasure is irrelevant when you are just a child; you have to get it anywhere you can. When your home is a war zone, war becomes pleasurable. At some point you have realized the folly of this tactic and have strived and […]
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First Separating

We are all here to see that we are not separate by first separating.
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