Pittsburgh Personal Trainer

Hydration Health and Fitness is a unique, boutique Pittsburgh Personal Training studio. We are located in Squirrel Hill at 1408 S. Negley Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.
We introduce our clients to their bodies – maybe for the first time! After one session, you leave with actionable concepts for how to live in your body in a way that is enlivening and powerful.
At Hydration, we believe that to have a significant lifelong impact on a lifestyle, one has to include all aspects of a person’s being: emotional, psychological, physical and a deep sense of self. We don’t just show you how to exercise, we empower you to take on health and fitness in your life. Our commitment is for our clients to transform their relationship to their bodies such that they are forever empowered to do whatever it takes to experience the highest level of health and well-being available to them.
Our services focus on safe personal training for people who want to:
- Have better muscle tone
- Lose weight
- Recover from injury
- Have better posture
- Have a body that supports you into old age
- Feel better on a daily basis
- Sleep better
- Learn how to enjoy healthy food
- Relieve stress
- Be able to perform daily activities without risk of injury
Beyond education and fitness training, we offer a special type of bodywork called Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), an alternative to chiropractic, physical therapy, Rolfing and acupuncture. Depending on your particular situation, sometimes people respond better to one modality than another. In many cases we’ve been able to produce excellent results with people who attempted other modalities without success. We also help with food and other addictions, nutrition and adapting lifestyle behaviors that enhance your experience of life.
Call us today at 412-877-0452 (or email) to see if Hydration Health and Fitness is right for you.
Amy Goldstein, Physician
I’ve been training with JoAnn for five years. With her I’ve gained consciousness of my body, my eating/food issues, acceptance of my weaknesses, self-forgiveness, and an understanding of how to manage my self-care. JoAnn has truly changed my life.
Brenda Peyser, Associate Dean, Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College, School of Public Policy and Management
I’ve been working with JoAnn Brickley for five years and can say honestly that I am in better shape now – at almost 60 – than I was 15 years ago. After surgery on both knees, I started working with JoAnn to regain strength and avoid future injuries. Not only are my knees in better shape, so is the rest of me. I have lost weight, built muscle and I eat a healthier diet. JoAnn builds my workouts around the physical issues I face, but she doesn’t coddle me. She challenges me to work harder and do more. A lot of people are surprised to hear my actual age – they think I am in my late 40’s. I know that I have JoAnn to thank for that.
Rob McDowell
I originally came to Hydration to avoid having invasive rotator cuff surgery. My orthopedist had recommended surgery to repair small tears. I’d tried physical therapy, to no avail. After receiving Muscle Activation Technique body work and basic weight training at Hydration, I can now use my arm!
Rebecca Burgwin, Paramedic
When I came to JoAnn three years ago, my entire body was in dire need of her help. Since then I have achieved weight loss, greater strength, bone density and muscle tone, have developed a greater consciousness of my body, have developed better posture, better eating habits, I sleep better and I have less joint pain, less stress. I enjoy an improved overall quality of life, and am more motivated in general to take care of myself.
If you are ready to make a change, don’t put this off!
Call us today at 412-877-0452 to discuss your particular needs and goals.
At Hydration, you benefit from owner JoAnn Brickley’s 26 years of continuous study with respect to personal training, understanding the biomechanics of the body, nutrition and alternative lifestyles. Most personal trainers don’t share her lust for knowledge. They attend a weekend national certification training (possibly taught by JoAnn), and then start practicing.
In contrast, JoAnn has trained for many years with nationally recognized masters of the industry including Greg Roskoff, Tom Purvis, Joe DeAntonis and Paul Chek. She also studied for three years at the Full Spectrum School for Energy Healing. She was a leader with Landmark Education, the nation’s largest educational corporation for personal development and transformation.
Hydration Health and Fitness offers personal training for the body and mind.
We understand how the mind affects the body. We understand the root of addiction to overeating and other unhealthy practices.
We understand the nutrition requirements and the biomechanics of the human body and have techniques for bringing your body back into balance.
In a pleasing, soothing, yet invigorating environment, with state-of-the-art equipment, and personal trainers with deep backgrounds, our commitment is to help you get to the greatest possible health obtainable.
Don’t procrastinate. Call to schedule an initial session and start reaping the benefits now! (412) 877-0452
Key phrases for our site include: Pittsburgh personal trainers, PA personal trainer, Pennsylvania personal trainers, personal trainers Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh personal trainer, Pittsburgh fitness trainer, fitness trainer Pittsburgh, personal trainer Pittsburgh, personal trainers in Pittsburgh, fitness trainers in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh fitness trainers, fitness trainers Pittsburgh. Thank you for visiting Pittsburgh most unique, professional and private personal training studio. Check out our Resources page.
Paul Pitts, Ph.D., Psychologist
I have been working at Hydration for more than three years. I initially came to improve my overall strength and well being. I now have more balanced strength in all major muscle groups, giving me greater mobility, more strength for daily lifting and activities. I also have less stress, and am more motivated in general to take care of my mind and body. JoAnn knows a lot about body mechanics, is able to use a wide range of physical exercises, individualized to my general condition, and can modify my workout as my daily condition varies. She listens to my viewpoint and offers her best directions as to what would help me the most. JoAnn challenges me to be stronger and healthier, with good humor and compassion. She is a great personal trainer and strong supporter of my physical and mental health, with strong compassion and generosity. I admire her greatly. Jonah is a very knowledgeable and experienced personal trainer. He is a keen observer and listener, offers invaluable exercises specific to your needs. His good humor and thoughtful guidance make exercising an enjoyable and healthy experience.
Health care, Obama care, day care, adult day care, doggy care, the list could go on and on. Whatever happened to self-care? It is my belief that if we all were empowered to learn and practice self-care, many of the social and financial problems we face today would be solved. Instead we hand ourselves over to our doctors, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and expect them to make us feel better.
We look for a pill, an easy solution, and play the victim if our needs are not met. We take allergy medicine rather than stop eating foods to which we have become sensitive. We take acid reflux medicine with no thought of the consequences of having less stomach acid. We reach for anti-anxiety meds rather than doing minimal self-reflection to see if our fears have any basis in reality. We believe the promises offered up by advertising agencies and take no responsibility when these promises go up in smoke. Like spoiled three-year-olds, we demand to have our cake and then blame anything and anyone for the fact that we are tired, overweight and have joint pain.
Take responsibility, practice self-care, stop listening to what you know to be false promises. Treat yourself like the intelligent adult that you are, and require of yourself the basics of health and well-being. More often than not, it really is as simple as “eat right and exercise.” I would add to that, one more thing. Breathe.
What value do you put on your health? Really? We all give lip service to “without my health, I have nothing.” But when it comes to following through with actions, very few are willing to take on even the minimal requirements for health and well-being. What are the minimal requirements? Eat right and exercise. Daily. Period. Your health is worth it. You are worth it. Practice self-care. As idealistic as you may be, there is nothing of greater value.
I had a horrific childhood, where the rule was “every man, woman and child for themselves.” I learned self-care because it was the only care available. Now I know what a gift I was given.
Today, I teach self-care and am amazed every day by the learning curve I see in my clients. I also see all around me that the general public has no clue, and, according to the numbers, this is only getting worse.
Children are raised on sugar, high fructose syrup, and other highly processed foods which are void of vital nutrients. Children learn by watching what the adults in their lives do. If self-care is practiced in the home, it becomes “normal,” rather than something that, hopefully, one gets around to when there is time.
The greatest gift you can give to yourself, your family and to your community is to practice self-care. To put anything above taking care of yourself is the greatest folly.