National Personal Training Certification
National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) – Now NCAA certified
Note, from time to time, JoAnn Brickley teaches this weekend certification program at Hydration Health and Fitness. For more info, call 412-877-0452
Muscle Activation Technique (MAT)
While this unique body work is offered at Hydration Health and Fitness, at the above website you can find MAT professionals all over the country.
Burn Bright, Don’t Burn Out
A great article about how to keep yourself from burning out.
Source of health and medical advice.
Source of medical advice.
Source of alternative health and medical advice
National Food Pyramid
This is what the government recommends we eat. Unfortunately, if you look closely, you can see it is highly influenced by lobbying. It should say, avoid meat, dairy (esp. milk), sugar, white flour and processed foods. It says things like, “make half your grains whole” which is great advice for people who are only eating processed foods, but ideally you’d make all your grains whole. Use your head.
An amazing fun, free site that supports couples in relationship.